Friday, April 16, 2010

Teachertube video on Cyber Bullying

Amann, E. 2008, Cyber Bullying PSA Video, Fairport High School, N.Y., viewed 15th April 2010, []

Elizabeth Amann, an International Baccalaureate student at Fairport High School, has created this video on Cyber Bullying. The opening scene explores how simple it is for modern day technologies to be used as a tool to victimise others. Viewers are then presented with some alarming statistics; the repercussions of cyber bullying (such as depression and suicide) are explored and solutions to this harassment are suggested. The video concludes with a couple of websites viewers can refer to if or when needed. Thoughtful (if not disturbing) and authoritative: sponsored by Fairport High School and added to Teachertube by Gianni Bussani, the Information and Technology teacher.
View the video here:


  1. Excellent - an informative evaluation and good citation - although when you are giving your citation you only need to go to the home site - so in this case, finish after 'com'

  2. I found this video useful and informative. I suppose the major problem with the whole cyber bullying is getting the student or person who is being bullied to let someone know. It was an extremely useful video in showing the ways to block the user and to save proof of the bullying.
