Saturday, March 6, 2010

OpenBiblio part 2

Well, I only received one response and I'm going to have to go with that (seems everyone is so busy!).
It seems that the advantages of OpenBiblio are: VERY easy to use and simply runs on Firefox on the Internet; is compatible with ScisWeb (which, for those of you who have used it, makes cataloguing so very easy); you can easily upload records from your previous library system; is easily backed up on to school server; and it has a program for children (although the Tech in question who answered my query admitted to never having used this program).
The disadvantages are that there are not very many options (although she did not go into detail with this) and that any technical support comes from the school technician (although there is a "self help" section on the website). I consider this to be a big disadvantage: if I cannot rectify the problem myself by looking at the website (which COULD take awhile) I would have to wait a week for the technician to visit a school (the technicians for catholic schools usually pay a visit to the schools once a week; any problem usually has to wait for that day). At the moment, with e-library (the library system I am currently using), help is a phone call, or email, away.

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